Redline Project- What details do I need to order?
Robyn Markland
Tuesday Dec 26th, 2023

Patch ordering- You can order your patches through, and we can get some savings on bulk shipping and perhaps mold costs, or you can order direct from the factory. I will have my factory choices finalized shortly. You can also do like Shane at Small Town Xotics and source the factory yourself ( and get your order in.
You don't have to go through Redline! You don't have to be a Redline Shipping customer to participate in the Redline Project patch program. Everyone is welcome. Even "he who shall not be named" can order a 94 patch if he wants (but maybe not through me, thanks). No one has to buy a Redline sling bag to participate in the Redline Project or get patches made. You and your customers/supporters can make and collect patches independently of Redline. EVERYONE is welcome to take advantage of this massive inclusive promotion with a very low economical bar of entry (300 two inch patches can be had for less than $200 in patch costs).
From the point that you approve your factory quote to actually having the patches in hand is about 4 weeks. The goal is to have hundreds of patches available to collect and trade for Spring Tinley in mid-March 2024. You can order throughout the year if you want, order in time for your local Reptilian Nation or Show Me show, or Fall Tinley, whatever you like. Maybe you blast through 100 patches at Spring Tinley and decide to do a color variation for the next show, or to include in every outgoing animal shipment. It is all up to you!
There are some steps you will need to consider to order patches-
1. Get your graphics done. PNG or PDF files strongly preferred for a quality result.
2. Will you do more than one graphic? Redline is doing 15+ graphics. Logos, animals, goofy and fun stuff. A fun and interesting patch will catch eyeballs, and possibly earn you new customers and relationships. That is a significant and primary goal here.
3. How many patches will you want? 100 is typically the minimum. I talked with one popular monitor breeder that said "Yeah, sounds great, let's do 100 for Spring Tinley!" Ok Mr. Monitor Lizard, but you do realize that by 5pm at Friday setup, you will likely be out of all 100, and you won't have anymore to actually give out/sell on Saturday when the show starts?!? At least hold 50 back to release on Saturday at 10am when the public starts coming in, so you don't run out until...noon.
100 two inch patches are $65. 300 two inch patches are less than $200. Think seriously about how many patches you might need at Tinley. And for the six shows you are doing in 2024 (or the 38 shows for you lunatics). And how many you want to hold back for friends and family. And how many you want to hold back to include in each outgoing animal shipment in 2024. You don't have to order 1000, but 100 is going to disappear very quickly.
4. What size and shape are your patches? 2" and 2.5" is a pretty solid choice. Also economical. When you get to 3" you are taking up a lot of real estate on the front of the Redline bag, competing with other patches (we are also releasing a 10"x13" velcro display panel that will hold 100+ patches).
Is your patch design square? Hard corners? Rounded corners? Circular? Is it cut out to shape?
5. What production technique will you use? 2D PVC? 3D PVC? Flat print? TPU? You can read about those choices and details in our earlier blog post.
6. Will you want to make extra patches to be included in every Redline sling bag that ships out? You can send Redline 50, 100, 200, 350 of your patches to be included in sling bags that ship out. Initial inventory is 350 total bags, so 350 total patches if you want to be included in every bag. This is a great, and very inexpensive, opportunity, to get your brand/logo/patch in front of a very targeted customer. 65 cents for possible customer acquisition is absolutely UNBEATABLE.
If you send patches to Redline, we will include them in the sling bags that we are donating to the NARBC and SuperShow USARK auctions for 2024. My goal is to auction off a bag absolutely STUFFED with patches at each of those big shows. Be a part of that!
If you send Redline 350 patches, one for every bag, you will also open the door to some other promotional opportunities and tie-ins that I will blog about shortly. Consider it!
Graphic artists referrals for getting art done-
Johnothan The Bearded Herper on IG
Melissa Schumann from SandS Pythons
Aram from Urban Tarantulas
Artists on (search for different art styles, choose an artist, browse their portfolio, engage as desired)